Manson’s Landing

FLUID architecture is leading a master plan and pavilion design process for the village of Manson’s Landing on Cortes Island. The landowner at the heart of the study area is the Cortes Island Community Foundation. However, the CICF’s mandate extends beyond their own site into the surrounding centre of Manson’s. Accordingly, the process has involved identifying and recommending enhancements to existing placemaking aspects of Manson’s such as trails and views, recommending specific ways that adjacent landowners can cooperate to mutual benefit, and helping broker those relationships.

For the CICF site specifically, FLUID has recommended landscape and spatial design enhancements to support social connection and help house the famous Cortes Friday Market. FLUID has also codesigned a co-working and meeting facility, and a performance pavilion for the site.

The work included multiple stakeholder interviews, public presentations, space programming, planning and architecture.

Project Details

Project: Manson’s Landing
Location: Cortes Island
Client: Cortes Island Community Foundation
Project Services: Masterplanning / Architecture
Construction Cost: $750,000 approximately
Completed: In Process